Know Us

“GETNER”, is a well-established international brand in the field of microscopy and optical instruments for research and industry. It was founded in 1971, and since then, it has formed collaborations with leading global manufacturers and established a national network of manufacturing units. We are grateful to our international partners, such as Kyowa-Tokyo, GIPPON-JAPAN, MEOPTA, and LAMBDA PRAHA-Czech Republic, who have played a crucial role in our success. Over the years, we have experienced significant progress, expansion, and achievements, becoming a respected global group of companies in the instrumentation and technology field. Additionally, we have ventured into healthcare and tele-consultation to provide top-notch health services accessible across the country.

Since 1971

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The history of years to follow is a saga of progress , expansion , diversity and achievements of developing into a world over group of companies enjoying globally a status and place of pride in the field of instrumentation and technology . Simultaneously , Getner group also made its entry in the field of healthcare and tele-consultation to offer world class health services to one and all and in every corner of the country . Not only this , “GETNER-GROUP” has an Art and Beyond division to offer innovative presentations in the field of different trends of Art.

Bharat Udyog Ratna

S.K. Wadhawan (President)

Awards & Memorable Moments

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